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Cantabria, home to seven of the most beautiful villages in Spain


What better way to begin than by celebrating a recent success: the recognition of Comillas village as one of Spain’s most beautiful villages, as part of the Los Pueblos más Bonitos de España network. This recent recognition means 7 charming Cantabrian villages are now on this list. This calls for celebration! And what better way to celebrate than by exploring Comillas together. 

5 Reasons to come to Cantabria this 2023


We know that many of you are regulars who come to see us throughout the year, and we are counting on you too, so don't let us down. But just in case there are any doubting out there, who have no idea about our nature, our beaches, our heritage and everything we have to offer, today we give you five reasons why you should visit us in 2023.

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