Caves of geological and speleological interest

Cullalvera Cave
Just 2 km from the cave of Covalanas and right in the centre of Ramales de La Victoria, we find the cave of Cullalvera, remarkable for its colossal dimensions.
Sopeña Cave
The cave of Sopeña, an authentic recreation of the cave of Salitre during the Palaeolithic, allows us to peep into an ancient way of life in the caves of Alto Miera and to see how the manifestations of Palaeolithic art preserved in the cave of El Salitre were painted.
El Soplao
Within this cave there is an unusual diversity of speleothems that are distinguished by their beauty and abundance. Its most amazing formations, which make it a “Unique Cavity”, are those called ‘eccentrics’ that cover floors, ceilings, walls and other formations along the cave route. The eccentrics, as well as the capricious forms adopted by stalactites, stalagmites, pillars, flowstones, etc. make the exploration of this cave a fascinating immersion in the underground world.