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Acerca de promociononline@cantur.com

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Hasta ahora promociononline@cantur.com ha creado 25 entradas de blog.

Cantabria, home to seven of the most beautiful villages in Spain

What better way to begin than by celebrating a recent success: the recognition of Comillas village as one of Spain’s most beautiful villages, as part of the Los Pueblos más Bonitos de España network. This recent recognition means 7 charming Cantabrian villages are now on this list. This calls for celebration! And what better way to celebrate than by exploring Comillas together. 

The end of the Way, arrival at the Monastery of Santo Toribio de Liébana

We have now reached the third and last stage of the Lebaniego Way. There are only 13.7 kilometres left with an altitude difference of 339 metres to venerate the Lignum Crucis and reach our destination, the Monastery of Santo Toribio de Liébana.

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