Nature in Cantabria, Spain
Millions of years ago, during the Alpine orogeny, the Iberian plate collided with the European plate and fabulous mountains arose from the bottom of the sea. Among its folds, rivers, valleys, caves, cliffs and beaches are generated in which nature boils.
There are many breathtakingly beautiful landscapes, but real musts when visiting Cantabria are…

Rivers, valleys, caverns, cliffs and beaches
To do´s in Cantabria

There are large, small, urban, wild, sheltered and calm beaches, open to the Cantabrian Sea or to Santander’s Bay.

Millions of years ago, during the Alpine orogeny, the Iberian plate collided with the European plate and fabulous mountains arose from the bottom of the sea.

Culture has many facets in Cantabria: the facet of the stone of the caves, monasteries and villages.

Health & Wellness
Modern life sets a hectic pace that directly affects our wellbeing and our health.

Cantabria is the perfect setting to choose your favourite way of enjoying thrills.

Thanks to its magnificent geographical situation in the centre of the Bay of Biscay coastline, Cantabria is an area influenced by its truly exceptional natural setting.

Cantabria has the highest density of caves with cave paintings in the world and has over 60 with paintings on its walls.